Research Talent Program

Program Purpose

Develop, retain and attract a strong base and a strong pipeline of research talent in Qatar

Target Audiences:

Youth in Qatar (high school students, undergraduate students)
Local and International individuals interested in an research career in Qatar

Funding Initiatives:

High School Research Experience (HSREP)

fosters a research culture and develop research capacity in Qatar by promoting “Learning by Doing” and “Hands-On” research activities as effective methods for high school education.

Undergraduate Research Experience (UREP)

promote 'Learning by Doing' and 'Hands-On' mentorship activities as effective methods for undergraduate education. In addition to a research-based education, students will gain experience with team-based research collaboration with faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and other undergraduates or research staff in Qatar. Project duration is 12 months

Graduate Student Research Award (GSRA)

is a Msc/PhD scholarship that includes stipends and university tuition. The grant enables local academic and research institutions support prospective faculty and researchers through a competitive sponsorship program. Graduate candidates selected by local academic institutions will gain the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to become future research and development leaders in Qatar.

Key Success Measures:

  • Increased STEM enrollment and interest in RDI careers
  • Increase the number of STEM PhDs
  • Increased number of Research Scientists and Engineers

Key performance indicators:

  • % Participants trained through RDI Pipeline programs (NSRW, HSREP) that get enrolled in STEM education
  • % UREP recipients that go into RDI careers
  • Number of international RSEs attracted through QRDI-C Programs
  • Number of PhDs and postdocs trained though QRDI-C grants

Benefits to Program Recipients:

  • Receive funding to pursue professional development into research related careers
  • Develop skills needed to succeed in the new target knowledge-based economy and access better job opportunities

Benefits to Qatar

  • Build highly skilled and productive workforce through gaining RDI skills and capabilities
  • Improve pool of RDI talent to drive RDI excellence in Qatar and achieve the targets set in the strategy